Thursday, July 7, 2016



Planning is the bane of my existence. It is not easy to do. First of all you have to sit and think. Then you have to have objectives and goals for the activity or project.  There are timelines, implementation, and status checks. Why can’t I be one of those people who let things happen organically? The secret is that good things don’t “just happen.” The things that seem to be serendipitous took planning.  The objectives may have changed, but thought was involved somehow.
I’ve been thinking about the concept of front-loading for sometime. It is the process where the bulk of work is done at the start of the plan. So much of my life was lived in reactionary processes instead of front-loading. Trying to get three kids to adulthood - alive and well - will do that to you.
Until recently, there was little time to think, much less plan. I envied the moms who had their stuff together well enough to plan parties, play dates, and dinners.  I was just too tired to think about anything but getting where we needed to be and clothed.
So being an empty-nester has freed up some time to start front-loading.  I’ve started following The FlyLady (  She has some great ideas for front-loading parts of life so the living in the moment is possible. Thank you, Marla Cilley.
It’s time to make some long-term goals.  My plan is to retire in 5 years, so I’ve got to get busy front-loading my life after being education for 30 years. First goal is to be totally debt free within 3 years.  I guess I have time to think of a plan, implement, and celebrate milestones!
What are your front-loading habits?